Why Brain
Risk Management
The best way to minimize risk is by minimizing and diversifying through advance management. Our risk management starts from selection stage of investment items. Stock items that falls short of certain financial criteria are prohibited from incorporating into investment universe by internal regulation. Most of model portfolio stock items carefully selected in discussion are copied into the actual portfolio. This process is the base of team management system and advance risk management
We focus on risk adjusted return rather than simple one when assess the investment performance. The Information ratio considering risk elements is the one of it. This principles leads to efforts to reduce risk elements and making a rational decision during management process at all times.
Based on the corporate code of ethics, we enact various internal control guidelines and regulations, and implement them by frequent compliance activities. These efforts, reflecting the management philosophy stressing on business ethics, forms the center of Brain risk management.
Brain Asset Management Co.,Ltd07330 6F, 2, Gukjegeumyung-ro 8-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea T.+82-2-6277-5000 F.+82-6277-5058